Merit Shop
ABC and the Merit Shop Philosophy
Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc. is the voice of the merit shop in the construction industry. We accept the responsibility for making that voice heard. We believe the merit shop movement is a movement for the betterment of the individual... the construction industry... and the nation.
We believe in the system of free enterprise and open competition.
We believe employees and employers should have the right to determine wages and working conditions through either individual or collective bargaining, as they choose, within the boundaries of the law.
We believe the employer must have concern for the general welfare of the employee and that there must be a fair compensation for work performed. At the same time, we believe that the employee has an obligation for satisfactory performance of assigned work.
We support sound legislation in the areas of workers compensation, safety and unemployment compensation.
We believe legislation that embraces fair play for employer and employee is essential to the preservation of our free enterprise system.
We believe the law should protect the right of employees to work regardless of race, color, creed, age, sex, national origin or membership or non-membership in a labor organization. We believe work opportunities should be made available to all legal residents and we support programs toward this end.
We oppose violence, coercion, intimidation and the denial of the rights of employees and employers.
We believe it is incumbent upon all branches of government to be responsible stewards of taxpayer dollars and we believe that government should award contracts only to the lowest responsible bidder. We oppose unjust pressure to violate these principles.
We believe monopolies or any kind of price or wage fixing, in either the public or private sector, are detrimental to our system of free enterprise.
We believe the destiny of all Americans can be best served by cooperation, reconciliation and following the tenants of free enterprise and a democratic government. We believe business leaders can best preserve these tenets by becoming active in politics and civic affairs.
Core Values
ABC values economic freedom within a free-market economy, with open and fair competition and diverse participants constantly striving to achieve the highest levels of personal and company performance.
ABC values the highest levels of personal and corporate standards of behavior characterized by responsibility, accountability and integrity, with demonstrated personal and industry professionalism by all participants.
The Vision of ABC is an environment in which people and companies succeed based on free-enterprise principles within the free-market system.
ABC will continually strive to be the leading voice promoting free enterprise within the construction industry. ABC will promote and defend the merit shop philosophy. This philosophy encourages open competition and a free-enterprise approach to construction based solely on merit, regardless of labor affiliation.
Core Purpose
The Core Purpose of ABC is to advance and defend the principles of the merit shop in the construction industry and to provide members and their employees with an opportunity to succeed.